Thomas Kendall

 $1,000 Award - Thomas Kendall of Hillard, OH is the grandson of BAA alumnae Frances Whinery Hall '53. It was clearly apparent to the committee that Frances' Bradford experience had a profound impact on Thomas.

"Among the most important lessons she taught me is to give back to my
community. For as long as I can remember, my grandmother has been
'rising to serve' her community. I feel that the values developed through her time at Bradford have consequently rubbed off on me. At a very young age I learned how truly lucky I am to have the basic necessities of life. These things I do not take for granted and at age seven I began contributing toward a charity."

Thomas donates to several charities and has contributed an extensive amount of his time and energy at a rehabilitation hospital in support of his disabled father. Thomas is pursuing a business and ethics studies at Miami University in Oxford, OH.