Anneliese Marie Monkman

Anneliese Marie Monkman from Clinton, Maine was nominated by
Lynda Blair Vernalia '91 and received a scholarship of $1,000. Anneliese Marie is an International Affairs student at Boston University and will graduate in 2014.  Anneliese is a youth leader at a Methodist summer camp in Augusta, Maine.  She has achieved a brown belt in Karate and volunteers as a scorekeeper and judge for karate tournaments in New England.  Anneliese also teaches karate to 4-7 year olds.  Ms. Monkman states, “I want to work in world politics in order to serve the people of
the world. I have had the good fortune to live a mostly untroubled life;
I have had some amazing people as my role models, and I have had an incredible community to grow up in. Whatever I can do to provide some sense of community to the world, I will do."